The Bus - official information

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  • ...oookay, so I've got some progress. Thanks for tip juls2008 ! Turns out the sliders actually works, however in the driver view only, it doesn't work on foot (and I was standing outside the bus, while trying at first). I actually see the potential of playing this game in VR - that'd be amazing. The driver view is by default slanted towards the ground, plus there are some very heavy camera restrictions around turning your head around. With an FOV around 120, it's possible to drive the coach, and feelsrelatively natural, that's great! :)

    If the FOV slider would control all-aspects of the game, not just the driver view, and the driver camera would be more permissive, and possible not centered at a downward angle, this would be a very much functional VR experience. Because it's not rendered in stereo, Vorpx VR performance is the same as in regular mode. Great progress! :)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hey Quarney,

    Could my questions possibly be answered, they was missed by accident.

    Kind Regards.

  • Yes of course, just fell through the cracks.

    - haven't decided on this

    - you can assume this, but we won't determine this yet, too much can change

    - don't know what you mean specifically. Main features like wheel support etc. of course

    - haven't decided on this, but there will be a wider variety of characters from the beginning

    - definitely through repaints, everything else will be decided later

    - haven't decided on this

    - haven't decided on this

    Sorry that there are not many answers to your questions, but they are ultra specific and we are just not at that point yet. But there will be more information (and material) in the next weeks, so you can look forward to that :)

  • Hi there, it could very well be next week or the week after or some other time. We are working very intensely on The Bus at the moment, but in order to show you new material, we need some more time. We want to show some progress to you and not the same things over and over. There will be new clips and pics soon (and much more) and of course you will get new information this year. Be ready!

  • Hi there, it could very well be next week or the week after or some other time. We are working very intensely on The Bus at the moment, but in order to show you new material, we need some more time. We want to show some progress to you and not the same things over and over. There will be new clips and pics soon (and much more) and of course you will get new information this year. Be ready!

    we all have high hopes! Take you're time, as you wish. We will patiently wait. ;)

  • Concerning pedestrians, we've got a little something for you:

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  • 8| Awesome! You can watch this video forever :love:

    Running it over and over again 8|

    Great time-lapse and great job! This is exactly what I have dreamed of for so long. Super! :love: :thumbup:

    Once again I watched the video and remembered the song "Traffic Light", which everyone in Russia knows (performer Valery Leontiev):

    ^^ In my opinion, the song 100% conveys the meaning of the video. I really like this video. 14 seconds of happiness that can be repeated over and over again. Thanks, TML-Studios:thumbup:

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Excellent! If pedestrians are now successfully implemented in The Bus then hopefully they can come to Fernbus soon! Would really make the world feel different with pedestrians moving about.

    Kind Regards.

  • Pedestrian movement looking good. I don't know why, but I really like the way the vehicles wait to let them pass. I know it's very nitpicky, but if the pedestrians - no matter what direction they come from - would turn to face the road (to being able to see when the light switches to green). But, anyway looking forward to the Early Access.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Pedestrian movement looking good. I don't know why, but I really like the way the vehicles wait to let them pass. I know it's very nitpicky, but if the pedestrians - no matter what direction they come from - would turn to face the road (to being able to see when the light switches to green). But, anyway looking forward to the Early Access.

    JonasD - this is because under German traffic laws, pedestrians have right of way over turning vehicles, however when continuing straight on, vehicles have right of way over pedestrians.

    Hope this clears somethings up for you!

    Kind Regards.

  • JonasD - this is because under German traffic laws, pedestrians have right of way over turning vehicles, however when continuing straight on, vehicles have right of way over pedestrians.

    Hope this clears somethings up for you!

    Kind Regards.

    Actually it all depends on the crossing. Germany has the same system (mostly) as belgium. That means, that, let's just say,that very big crossing had no traffic light, the pedestrians have always right of way, if that make sense ;)